Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

Big update

Me and Jasmine made it home on Saturday but been busy trying to get all kids back on the same time frame...

Jasmine is now 7 moths old and weighs in at 21lbs 2ozs....she can say two words, roll all over the house, has one tooth through and the 2nd not far behind, can scoot backwards and loves her table food

Courtney weighed in at 26lbs at her doctor appointment when i was gone....she is growing great...she still has some sensory issues, they are still trying to get her to sit in a tub of beans but she freaks out

Crystal talked at therapy this week, and she has been trying to talk more for us....i think she is learning some from the baby

Twins have an eye appointment tomorrow, so we will see who needs glasses

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Me and baby are down in Texas to take care of a few things so when i get back to Minnesota next weekend I will update with lots of information and lots of far baby is doing great and so are the twins.....the twins are with grandma, and great-grandma....Jasmine finally broke her tooth through and has said her first word Uh-Oh......Crystal has said the word apple since i been gone....Courtney is doing great too

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pretty new hat

One of our nurses made Jasmine a is so cute on her. and she loves it..she is also making the twins one too...yay

Thursday, February 17, 2011


The drive to therapy was no fun and the twins seemed confused when they couldnt see the trucks out their window....Crystal did a little better at speech but still not talking much, we just got to keep working with her....Courtney left pinch marks on her twin today, they seem to fight more now than before, and it always over a toy, i can only imagine what the teen years will bring....Jasmine is rolling all over and going backwards still, it is so cute to watch her grow.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

almost wordless wedesday

It was zoo day...YAY...the twins walked almost the whole outdoor part....they loved the puddles which in their world it was a big improvement from last year

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

It was Jasmines first Valentines day and a third for the twins....still to young to really do anything special....we went over to our friends house for a playdate, the twins had fun playing with the other set of is great to see them play with other kids....Jasmine loves her jumperoo that she got today from them, she weighed in at 20lbs 120zs....i think the doctor scale was wrong when we went in for her check-up

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Outdoor Fun

The weather was great today, so I bundled all them up and outside we went to play in the snow....Crystal loved the snow this time around and all the puddles....Courtney is still unsure of it, I think it because she still dosent have good balance....Jasmine wasnt sure about the bright light but other than that she did was nice to have the windows open for fresh air

Saturday fun

Yesterday we went out to the mall with friends and was lots of fun....the twins had fun playing in lego was a long day and by the time we left the mall was very packed....Jasmine had fun shopping, she is getting as good as her sisters on finding good deals

Friday, February 11, 2011

Learned new things

The girls had testing done to get them ready for preschool and Crystal did something I didnt know she understood...they asked her to but something on TOP of the table, she did it...than they asked her to put it UNDER the table and she did it....I didnt know she understood those words......Courtney was able to match her shapes, Crystal had no clue on that one.....its like you could take both minds and make one super mind

Jasmine is still trying to push those stupid teeth through.....she loves eating the big girl carrots, I did buy some baby food again to try some mixed fruit flavors, maybe that will work....this morning she rolled on to her tummy, than in a circle than got stuck with her face pushed into the couch, she was not a happy camper

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

a cold day

Mommy here is doing better, trying to take it easy and use the heating pad at bedtime...

We did go out for a little bit but not long, I went to buy some clothes from another twin mom, so the twins had a small playdate....Crystal is eating us out of house and home already, wonder how bad she will be as a teenager....Courtney didnt want a nap today so she was a little crabby....Jasmine is still the lovable happy baby and always has a smile on her face

Me and grandma got all three kids down at the same time was nice, but i not holding my breath for a repeat

Monday, February 7, 2011

learned new trick

Jasmine has learned something new today....when you hold your hands out to her to pick her up, she reaches for is so cute.....growing up so quick

I learned today that my twins will eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.....I never thought they did, mainly Courtney since she is my picky little eater most days

I am still working on loading new mom brought me into urgent care this afternoon for lower back pain on the left nothing major, just something called back spasms....I am suppose to rest which I do the best I can with three kids

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Playdate with Grandma and Grandpa

Crystal, Courtney and the nurse went over to the Hamiltons to play, so mommy and Grandma could go out to dinner without toddlers....They had lots of fun playing over there and Jasmine loved all the one on one time...when we got home Jasmine enjoyed watching the Packers win the super bowl....

pictures from today will be up tomorrow durn nap hour, I hope....thats if they all take a nap at the same time like they did today....that was so nice

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Picture update

This is what happens when mommy is nursing baby

Such cuties
Everything is good around here, for once.....still learning to crawl and still cutting teeth throgh

Friday, February 4, 2011


Since we are all better and baby finally went to bed before 11pm I can update everyone....

Jasmine had her 6 month on Tuesday and she is 21lbs 5ozs and 26inches long, a big girl but very healthy....she got shots, and once again we ran a fever for a few days but not as bad as last time...still crawling backwards, and still no teeth...her teeth are about to pop though, you can feel them and see them

Courtney started being sick out of the kids....she had no fever so we are thinking she jut had a minor tummy ache that lasted two days....she is teething worse than the baby, she chews on more things than what baby does.....she is really missing her daddy

Crystal is the only kid that didnt get sick...we talked to the doc about how she works so hard to talk and how she does talk so she will go get re looked at soon we hope....she moved up to size 5 diapers so we will be trying potty training soon

I will get the new pics uploaded this weekend some time and will get back on track with the blog

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wordless Wedesday

The top pic is from her 6 month pictures we had done on monday.....I will update more tomorrow night, alot has been going on including sick babies